Juna Ray has solutions for your industry sector. See the advantages renewable energy can offer you.

Commercial & Retail

For the Commercial & Retail sectors, renewable energy generation and energy efficiency solutions make sound business sense.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Commercial & Retail Applications

AdvantageYour Benefit
Locked-in Fixed Energy PriceYour business can avoid rising energy costs by installing renewable energy generation systems which will allow you to fix your energy costs at lower than market rates for your energy requirements.
Long Term Energy Security Eco-Friendly Business ReputationWhen you have best practices for renewable energy generation and energy efficiency, your investors and partners can rest easy knowing that, in the event of a disruption to the national grid power, your business and customers will remain unaffected
Eco-Friendly Business ReputationBe a renewable energy leader in your company. Installing a renewable energy generation system into your business makes a powerful statement to your customers and employees that you care about the environment and may give you a competitive edge over your competitors

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With renewable energy generation you can change the largest idle asset, your warehouse roof, into a positive asset.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Industrial Applications

AdvantageYour Benefit
Reduce Your Operating CostsYour business can hedge against rising energy costs by installing renewable energy generation systems which allow you to fix your energy costs at lower than market rate for your energy requirements.
Turn Your Roof into an AssetTake advantage of your largest unused asset. Warehouse roofs are ideal for large renewable energy generation installations. The solar panels not only generate energy, but also shade the roof, reducing heat exchange into the building, which in turn should reduce your energy consumption.
Your HVAC Systems Can Run More Efficiently.Industrial chillers use large amounts of power to run. By installing energy efficiency solutions to your existing infrastructure, you could see significant savings on your AC and HEATING operating costs alone.

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Did you know that taking advantage of renewable energy generation solutions can raise enrollment rates at your educational institution?

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Educational Applications

AdvantageYour Benefit
Reduce Your Operating CostsRenewable energy installations can help manage your energy costs and help save on day-to-day operating expenses. Savings that could be used for important educational programs and facilities.
Enhance Your Educational Institution’s Environmental ReputationBecome known among your peers as the school that cares about working towards an environmentally sustainable future for their students and the planet. Raise awareness of renewable energy amongst the faculty and students.
Boost Your Student Enrollment NumbersPeople think deeply on the best educational institution. By being an energy and sustainability conscious educational community, your institution will have the advantage when it comes to the all-important decision of educational institution selection.
No Building Works NecessaryMost educational institutions have wide flat rooftops, with little to no shading during the day. This allows for the maximum number of solar panels to be installed, allowing a greater volume of energy to be generated and utilized throughout the day.

Global climate change threatens the health, economic prospects, and basic food and water sources of people. A wide range of changes in energy behavior is needed to realize a sustainable energy transition. Our experts work to understand, identify, and measure energy behaviors by examining the main factors underlying energy behavior, including the adoption of sustainable energy resources and energy-efficient technology, investments in energy efficiency measures in buildings, and end-user behavior by studying factors underlying public acceptability of interventions and changes in energy systems.

Our basic analysis indicates that individual behavior change is an essential, scalable component of achieving necessary emissions reductions in the near term.

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Field operations can be enhanced using renewable energy generation solutions.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for NGOs

AdvantageYour Benefit
Guarantee Your Continual Access to PowerBy taking advantage of distributed power sources, you can safeguard your power supply when on-grid power is interrupted through severe weather events, acts of crime or terrorism or cyber-attacks. Renewable energy generation can protect your facility against long- or short-term interruption to the national power grid.
Extend Your Effectiveness in the FieldRenewable energy solutions require little or no maintenance as they have few mechanical parts. This can ease the burden for people in the field by utilizing solar powered recharging stations, easy to set up streetlights, solar AC units, water pumps, and water heaters.
Be Prepared for Rapid DevelopmentNGOs need to be prepared to move quickly after an event occurs. Portable renewable energy solutions can provide easy to install on-grid as well as off-grid energy for all your power, WASH, medical, and durable solutions requirements.
Exceed Your SDG-7 TargetsEver increasing national and international SDG-7 targets and greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets are becoming harder to achieve, but by installing renewable energy generation plants on multiple locations, you will soon see those targets as achievable and go on to exceed them.

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Oil & Gas

Reduce the demand on the national power grid by installing renewable energy generation solutions that can also save on operating costs

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Oil & Gas Operators

AdvantageYour Benefit
Reduce Your Operating CostsBy using solar PV generated power during the day to supplement your energy needs and only utilizing grid power, gas, or diesel for the night hours, you can lower your operating costs.
Make All Your PR PositiveWhether it’s justified or not, the Oil & Gas Sector has a not so favorable reputation in public media. By utilizing renewable energy and cutting down on gas and diesel fuel use to generate your energy needs, all you PR in the press can be positive.
Reliable Power Security for Energy PlantsSolar energy generation can be an alternative when there’s no access to the power grid. If you need electricity available 24/7, then hybrid systems like a solar/diesel installation can be an effective alternative to a diesel- or gas-powered generator, pumps, or compressors, especially in remote locations.
Achieve Your Renewable Energy TargetsAchieve your renewable energy targets and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by using renewable energy and energy efficiency solutions. Renewable energy can reduce the overall load on the national grid.

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Renewable energy generation solutions can reduce your operating costs while increasing the reliability of your network.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Telecommunications

AdvantagesYour Benefit
Reduce Your Operating CostsReduce your operating costs and increase your profits by hedging against rising energy costs. Installing renewable energy generation systems allow you to fix your energy costs at lower than market rates.
Efficient Maintenance SchedulesWith remote management of all your cell towers, you can eliminate unnecessary maintenance visits to remote sites and installations, lowering the overall cost of running your maintenance crew.
Reliable Energy SourceRenewable energy generation solutions offer improved power quality and reliability to your network. Smart technology available today can keep your infrastructure running at peak performance and increase your network’s reputation for up-time and reliability.
Achieve Your Renewable Energy Ever increasing national and international renewable energy generation targets and greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets are becoming harder to achieve, but by adding renewable energy solutions into your network, you will soon see those targets as achievable.

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Government ministries can be leaders in renewable energy generation and energy efficiency solutions, leading the way for other businesses and individuals.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for the Government

AdvantageHow You Benefit
Show Environmental LeadershipIt is strategic for government ministries to lead by example when it comes to environmental leadership, reducing carbon and greenhouse gas emissions and meeting renewable energy targets.
Increase Your International ReputationThe utilization of renewable energy generation and energy efficiency can set your government ministry apart from other ministries nationally as well as internationally.
Free Up Your BudgetBudgets are always tight with many competing needs and requirements. Take the opportunity to free up some of your energy related operating costs from your budget by installing renewable energy generation and energy efficiency devices in your ministry today.
Reduce Your Effect on the National Energy GridEvery year there is more load on the national energy grid. By utilizing renewable energy generation solutions where possible, and more importantly installing energy efficiency devices to existing cooling and heating units making them more efficient, government ministries and entities can make a big difference and greatly reduce the load on the national energy grid.

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A renewable energy generation installation can take less than a day, giving you years of affordable power.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Residential Applications

AdvantagesHow You Benefit
Increase the Value of Your HomeRenewable energy installations increase the value and appeal of your home when it comes time to sell. Environmentally aware buyers will be looking for homes that meet their requirements and may be willing to pay more for a home that already has energy generation technology as well as energy efficiency solutions installed.
Protect Against Rising Energy CostsResidential renewable energy solutions protect your home and family against rising energy costs. By installing solar power, you are locking the cost of energy to a below market rate and safeguarding against price increases for the next 25 years.
Become Energy IndependentYou become more energy independent when you install renewable energy solutions to your home. You can enhance your energy independence by installing energy efficient LED light bulbs and purchasing energy efficient appliances than use less power.
Easy to Install and Low MaintenanceThe average home renewable energy installation takes less than a day to install. It requires minimal disruption to the home and the family. With no moving parts, residential solar systems require almost no maintenance compared to other forms of power generation and produce zero noise pollution.

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Solar panels can be designed in almost any configuration, including borehole or surface configurations and with centrifugal or positive displacement pumps. Surface pumps work well for dams, tanks, creeks and ponds. Borehole or submersible pumps can perform very effectively with solar panels as long as the system is correctly planned.

Advantages of Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Efficiency for Agricultural Applications

AdvantageHow You Benefit
Extremely Low Operating CostsOne of the major advantages of a solar pump is that its energy comes straight from the sun, lowering operating costs and its environmental footprint.
Ease of Transport and RelocationNeed to move a large mob of stock, or change your pump location based on the seasons? Depending on your system and site, solar water pump systems can be shifted relatively easily.
Very Low Maintenance CostsUpkeep is typically minimal compared to grid power or generators – an important factor when these pumps are often used hundreds of kilometers from service bases. If PV panels lose efficiency, they can be replaced separately to the whole system.
Productivity Increase in Time of NeedWhen it’s hot and sunny people tend to use more water, and livestock will hang closer to water troughs. A solar water pump moves more water in sunny weather and slows appropriately when it’s overcast or raining, with the option to store a backup supply if your storage tank is adequately sized.

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U.S. Chamber of Commerce Member 2021
NAICS Codes:
221114 - Electric Power Generation, Solar
221115 - Wind Power Generation
221310 - Water Supply and Irrigation Systems